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A member registered Jul 07, 2021

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Me playing the game for a second time: "USE THE STAIRS... USE THE STAIRS!!

Bro i dont give a f*ck about your pot! im outta here. Forget payment i dont want to be sacrificed by satan.

Holy shit was that unsettling. Great game!

umm...... ok..

(1 edit)

Wow.... it gave me a scare lol I think the most terrifying part for me was when i woke up and under the Tasks it said "run". That legitimately scared me. 

You have turned a slightly disturbing game into an absolutely horrifying game! Gosh darn lol. I played this about half a year ago and you have made it way better since then. i was wondering why you put a crouch feature in, until I realized I could use it to find hidden objects and.. well.... escape satan..

DUDE.... This game is great. Lol i almost lost it when the dude on the speakers said, "Oh, and there's a demon in the school who killed your classmates.. Shit happens."

I mean either way it's an amazing game. I wasn't tryin to seem like it would only be good if it was multiplayer. it's actually probably the best indie game I've played. you definitely did a good job on this project, I'm impressed.      

dude this would make a absolutely DOPE game if you made it multiplayer